operator overloading in c++
overloading operators
Overloading operators in a language, allows to provide the custom implementation of operators for operands of user-defined types.
One usage Example is to compare instances of a user-defined type, for example a comparision of custom Date
with overloaded +
and comparsion <=
auto today = Date();
auto fooday = Date();
// instead of fooday.AddDays(2),
// handle Date like a primitive type
fooday = fooday + 2;
if (today <= fooday) {
// true
std::cout << "remember fooday is in {foo} days";
Comparison of Objects, Operator overloading also enables sort, to return a List of objects in a sorted order.
// timestamp is a private member of Date
bool Date::operator<= (const Date &d) const {
// and operators in symetric fashion `>`, and for `+`: `-`
A std Example is string concation.
to concat strings and +=
modifies the string-object itself.
std::string toplevel{"com"};
std::string hostname;
// the rvalue references modify the moved string:
hostname = "www." + "example." + toplevel;
C++ Core Guidelines: Rules for Overloading and Overload Operators
User-defined operators
User-defined operators in a language would support missing operators.
For example instead of pow(a,b)
: a pow b
or a ** b
Algol68 showed one way to support user-defined operators.
It can be done, but Readability, Complexity of Syntax (are operators restricted to a set of characters or prefixed), and Precedence are the reasons why C++ does not support user-defined operators.